Schedule time with me

Dana De Greff

Writer. Editor. Educator.

ALTERATIONS Book Release at Books and Books!

Last week, the book release and reading for ALTERATIONS published by Seven Kitchens Press at Books & Books in Coral Gables was amazing. Thank you to everyone who came!

ALTERATIONS @Miami Girl Magazine

ALTERATIONS @Miami Girl Magazine

Special gratitude to Miami Girl Magazine for the beautiful photographs, Mitchell Kaplan for coming straight from the airport to support the release, and all my friends, family, and new faces who came out. For a full recap, please visit Miami Girl Magazine. And to buy ALTERATIONS click HERE.

Signing books @MiamiGirlMagazine

Signing books @MiamiGirlMagazine

Homegoing Review

"Having both sides of one family journey home together more than 300 years after the fact is the start of a new truth, a new chapter."

My newest review for the Miami Herald is Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing. Steeped in history about the slave trade in both Ghana and the US, this is one of the best debut novels I've read in a while, and the best book I've read this summer. 

Hope you like the review and read it yourself. If you do, I'd love to know your thoughts!

Tent: creative writing 2016

"A week-long seminar for writers and readers hosted by the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA."

It's almost time to head to Amherst for my first intensive writing experience! From May 29-June 5, 2016 I'll be attending workshops, readings, and talks about craft and Jewish literary history through Tent. There are only 20 spots available, so it'll be nice and cozy. The fiction workshop will be taught by Sam Lipsyte and we'll also discuss classics of modern Jewish literature with literary scholar Josh Lambert.

So happy to be chosen as a participant this year and I'm looking forward to reading, writing and learning more about my Jewish roots. Oh, and food. Always food. 


Rugelach, be still my corazón...

Rugelach, be still my corazón...




2016 Fred Shaw Prize in Fiction

I'm happy to announce that I've been awarded the 2016 Fred Shaw Prize in Fiction from the University of Miami for my short story "How to Make a Baseball Player Cry." Here's what judge and writer Janet Peery had to say:

"How to Make a Baseball Player Cry" had me from its first line and didn't let up for eleven pages until its brilliant final line. With its sophisticated use of second person narration, its fearlessness in moving through time and feeling, driving right up to the brink of sentiment but never going over the cliff, this story takes emotional risks, which are the only risks that truly matter and often make the difference between a good story and a great story. This is a great story. Congratulations to its writer.”

Honored and proud. Here's hoping it gets published soon!